Title of the training

Sustainability Reporting


2 working days (12 lesson hours)

Purpose and scope

Sustainability reporting helps organizations set goals, measure their performance and manage change to make their operations more sustainable. The sustainability report contains determinations and measurements on the (positive or negative) impacts of any organization on the environment, society and economy. Reporting helps to understand and manage the impact of sustainability improvements on operations and strategies by making abstract issues concrete and tangible.

This training aims to provide knowledge and skills about the fundamentals of sustainability as well as the building blocks and metrics of relevant reporting.

Target audience

The target audience of Sustainability Reporting training covers university students, graduate students, academics, NGOs, public institutions and organizations, local governments and the business world and everyone who has tasks and responsibilities related to sustainability reporting or is interested in this subject. However, the content and scope of this training can be adapted according to the educational status, professional qualifications and learning needs of the participants.

The participants of this training must have received basic Climate Change training before this training; they need to have basic knowledge and understanding of climate change, global warming, carbon footprint calculation.


Sustainability Reporting training is delivered by trainers who have experience in sustainability reporting, who have provided training on sustainability reporting, criteria, indicators and standards, and who stand out with their research and studies on this subject.

Objectives and learning outcomes

Those who have successfully completed the Sustainability Reporting training are expected to;

  • Explain the main principles of sustainability work,
  • Describe the sustainability criteria,
  • Describe sustainability indicators,
  • Report on ecological, water and carbon footprint calculations,
  • Implement sustainability reporting standards and processes,
  • Provide feedback by reviewing sustainability reports.


Sustainability Reporting training includes the following topics:

  • Basic sustainability concepts
  • Qualitative and quantitative sustainability measures
  • Types of sustainability indicators
  • Water, ecological and carbon footprint calculation methods and reporting
  • Standards and processes in sustainability reporting
  • Preparation and evaluation of sustainability reports

Delivery and method

Sustainability Reporting training is applied face-to-face. It is recommended to have no more than 20 people in each group to ensure active participation and effective learning in this training. However, if conditions arise that prevent face-to-face training, the training may be delivered remotely by using the Me-Learning© online learning platform and the Actio© meeting management tool.

Conceptual information on basic sustainability concepts, qualitative and quantitative sustainability criteria and types of sustainability indicators is presented by enriching them with concrete indicators and examples. In order to maximize the transfer of the knowledge and skills acquired in this training to practice by the learners, exercises and practices are carried out to cover sustainability reporting processes, taking into account the working area and corporate activities of the participants.

Learning tools and materials

Training materials consists of presentations, case studies and exercises. The sustainability reporting process and report sections, templates and worksheets related to sustainability reporting and processes are used as training materials.

Audio visual and multimedia materials, templates, worksheets and other materials for exercises and practices are prepared by the trainer and distributed to the participants. However, if there is a sufficient number of hardware such as computers, notebooks or tablets in the learning environment, all materials are provided in a digital format and studies are carried out in digital context.

In accordance with our waste reduction policy, printed materials are not distributed in this training unless it is educationally necessary.

Assessment and evaluation

In order to optimize the learning process according to the learners’ needs, the level of readiness of the learners is assessed informally by the trainer at the beginning of the training. The studies carried out by the learners, such as exercises and practices are assessed as indicators of the development / learning and the trainer provides feedback and adjusts learning activities based on them in order to ensure effective learning.

A question sheet is administered, online or in print, to the participants before and after the training to determine the level of awareness and knowledge about Sustainability Reporting. In addition, at the end of the training, the Training Evaluation Questionnaire is applied.

All participants who complete the training receive a certificate of participation showing that they have completed the Sustainability Reporting training, with duration of the training clearly stated.


Sustainability reporting, sustainability metrics, types of sustainability indicators, standards in sustainability reporting

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