Title of the training

Local Climate Change Action Planning


2 days (12 hours)

Purpose and scope

Local Climate Change Action Planning training aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to understand, analyze and plan climate change at the local level, the effects of change, the requirements and actions of change mitigation and adaptation to change.

Target audience

Local Climate Change Action Planning training aims to raise awareness on mitigation issues and to take climate action at the local level, and to provide skills so that they can participate and contribute to climate action planning at the local level for high school and university students, graduate students, academicians, technical staff, experts, managers, etc. working in NGOs, public institutions and organizations, local governments and the business world. The content and scope of this training may be adapted according to the educational status, professional qualifications and learning needs of the participants. This training can be organized in such a way that all citizens participate at the local level, open to general participation. In addition, this training can be delivered based on the analysis of institutional training needs at the local level, adapting it to the institutional requirements to strengthen the local climate action planning capacity at the institutional level.


Local Climate Change Action Planning training is delivered by trainers with educational and academic experience in the areas of climate policy, climate action, national climate action planning and local climate action planning.

Objectives and learning outcomes

Those who have completed the Local Climate Change Action Planning training are expected to;

  • Explain the rationale and benefits of the need for local climate action planning,
  • Distinguish between local types of climate action plans and the relationships between them,
  • Explain the role of supranational local government networks-links in local climate action planning,
  • Evaluate past work done for local climate action planning,
  • Implement the stages of local climate action planning and the work to be done at each stage,
  • Evaluate how they can individually contribute to local climate action planning actions,
  • Follow the local climate action planning process and developments at the world and national level,
  • Contribute to local climate action plans with opinions, suggestions and evaluations.


Local Climate Change Action Planning training includes the following topics:

  • The need for local climate action planning
  • Benefits and opportunities in local climate action planning
  • Types of local climate action plans
  • Local climate action planning process and stages
  • The role of supranational local government networks in local climate action planning
  • The relationship and coherence between global and national climate policies and climate action plans and local climate plans
  • Good examples and lessons learned in local climate action plans
  • Participation and inclusion in local climate action plans

Delivery and method

It is preferable to implement Local Climate Change Action Planning training in the form of face-to-face training. However, if conditions arise that prevent the face-to-face implementation of this training, especially epidemic diseases, the training may be delivered remotely by using the Me-Learning© online learning platform and the Actio© meeting management tool.

In the implementation of the training program, the training presentation is provided to the participants digitally. In addition to the presentation of basic information about climate change and global warming, participants are enabled to be active through discussion, brainstorming, case study and group work.

Learning tools and materials

A presentation including printed course material and visuals, graphs and maps is used as teaching and learning material to provide knowledge and awareness of local climate change action planning. Worksheets, exercise materials and case studies are used to illustrate the types and stages of local climate change action planning and to gain skills for their implementation. Presentations and other materials to be used in the training are distributed to the participants. In accordance with our waste reduction policy, printed materials are not distributed in this training unless it is educationally necessary.

Assessment and evaluation

In order to optimize the learning process according to the learners’ needs, the level of readiness of the learners is assessed informally by the trainer before or at the beginning of the training. At the end of the training, the Local Climate Change Action Planning Information and Awareness Question Sheet and the Training Evaluation Questionnaire are applied. Studies, exercises and practices during the training are used in the evaluation of learning.

All participants who complete the training receive a certificate of participation showing that they have completed the “Local Climate Change Action Planning” training, with duration of the training clearly stated.


Climate action, climate action plan, local climate action planning

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