Title of the training

Climate Change and Global Warming


1 day (6 hours)

Depending on the training needs of the group and whether the training is online or face-to-face, the duration of the training may be adapted.

Purpose and scope

Climate Change and Global Warming training aims to provide participants with the necessary scientific knowledge mainly on the basics of atmosphere, weather and climate, components of the physical climate system, causes of climate change and global warming, observed and projected climate changes and intergovernmental climate treaties [United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Paris Agreement]. This training guides the participants to make contemporary climatological and geographical associations in the national and global context related to the subject.

Target audience

Climate Change and Global Warming training provides high school and university students, graduate students, academicians, technical staff, experts, managers, etc. working in NGOs, public institutions and organizations, local governments and the business world to gain awareness and a scientifically based perspective on climate change and global warming. However, the content and scope of this training can be adapted according to the educational status, professional qualifications and learning needs of the participants.


Climate Change and Global Warming training is delivered by trainers who have educational experience and academic experience in the fields of geography and geology, synoptic climatology, climatology and meteorology; carried out scientific studies on physical geography and geology, climate change and variability, natural disasters, time series analyses of climatologically, meteorological, hydrological and climate data, drought and desertification due to climate change, forest fires, climatology and meteorology; taken part in national and international projects, have experience in management, commissions or boards in national and international organizations in these fields; and have outstanding qualifications with their scientific studies, scientific and administrative duties and educational studies.

Objectives and learning outcomes

Those who have completed the Climate Change and Global Warming training are expected to;

  • Comprehend and explain the terms and concepts related to climate change and its variability in a broad perspective,
  • Explain the strengthening greenhouse effect, forcing factors and feedback mechanisms,
  • Understand and explain the changes observed in the global climate system, the causes and dimensions of these changes,
  • Understand and evaluate the consequences of climate models and climate change and its possible impacts,
  • Explain the international treaties for the protection of the global climate system,
  • Makes contemporary climatological and geographical inferences of the main causes and consequences of global climate change,
  • Monitor and evaluate the Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, taking into account Turkey’s present and future objectives,
  • Explain the relationships between climate change science and atmospheric sciences.


Although the content of the training program will be adapted according to the characteristics of the group to be trained, such as educational status and field of study, the training includes the following topics:

  • Atmosphere, Weather and Climate; Physical Climate System
  • Natural and Strengthened Greenhouse Effect
  • Natural and Human-Induced Climate Change
  • Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols; Radiative Forcing
  • Observed Climate Change and Variability in the World
  • Climate Change and Variability Observed in Turkey
  • Greenhouse Gas Scenarios and Projections
  • Global Climate Change Model Estimates (Projected Changes in Global Mean Temperature, Precipitation and Sea Level)
  • Regional Climate Change Projections
  • Global Climate Change Fighting and Climate Diplomacy

Delivery and method

It is preferable to implement Climate Change and Global Warming training in the form of face-to-face training. However, if conditions arise that prevent the face-to-face implementation of this training, especially epidemic diseases, the training may be delivered remotely by using the Me-Learning© online learning platform and the Actio© meeting management tool.

In the implementation of the training program, the training presentation is provided to the participants digitally. In addition to the presentation of basic information about climate change and global warming in the training, it is ensured that the participants are active through discussion and group work.

Learning tools and materials

In order to gain knowledge and awareness about climate change and global warming in education, a presentation including course material and visuals, graphics and maps is used as teaching and learning material. In addition, IPCC evaluation reports, relevant parts of these reports, books and/or book chapters and articles on the subject are used as learning materials. The type and extent of these materials may vary according to the characteristics and needs of the participants. Presentations and other materials to be used in the training are distributed to the participants before or during the training. In accordance with our waste reduction policy, printed materials are not distributed in this training unless it is educationally necessary.

Assessment and evaluation

In order to optimize the learning process according to the learners’ needs, the level of readiness of the learners is assessed informally by the trainer before or at the beginning of the training. At the end of the training, the Climate Change and Global Warming Information and Awareness Question sheet and the Training Evaluation Questionnaire are applied.

All participants who complete the training receive a certificate of participation showing that they have completed the Climate Change and Global Warming training, with duration of the training clearly stated.


Greenhouse gases, strengthening greenhouse effect, climate change, global warming, observed climate changes, greenhouse gas emission scenarios, climate model predictions

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