Title of the training
Authorization Skills
1 Day (6 lesson hours)
Purpose and scope
Authorization Skills Training aims to provide managers, team leaders and team members with the knowledge and skills to effectively implement authorization levels, methods, management and implementation of impact, and monitoring of delegated authorizations. Delegating roles and responsibilities appropriately helps both management and employees work smoothly and productively to achieve their shared goals. Effective delegation of authority in management is an important component of the art of managing as well as a skill that enables the ability to do more with limited resources, preventing overload at certain points in the workflow and the associated delays and decreases in efficiency. Authorization Skills training aims to improve the workflow and processes of those who are in a position to assign a task to others, as well as to support employees to use their leadership potential effectively, to put their skills to work and to develop self-confidence.
Target audience
Authorization Skills Training is recommended for all employees working in teams, team leaders and managers. Although it is primarily recommended for those who work in management levels, this training is useful for employees who have duties and responsibilities related to all kinds of teamwork and project management, and for those who delegate tasks and authorized within the corporate structure.
Authorization Skills training is given by trainers who have experience in authorization, structuring of powers, regulation of authority distribution in workflow and processes in institutions, who have provided training on these issues and / or who have studies / research on issues related to authorization skills.
Objectives and learning outcomes
Those who have successfully completed the Authorization Skills training are expected to;
- Understand the relationship of authority and responsibility,
- Comprehend how to ensure the compatibility of authorization with the realization of duties and responsibilities,
- Understand and use different ways of delegating tasks,
- Review pre-authorization tasks,
- Identify the right person for authorization,
- Use a step-by-step process for effective authorization,
- Give instructions for effective results in authorization,
- Identify common mistakes and pitfalls in authorization and know how to avoid them,
- Monitor the results of authorization and the use of authorizations,
- Provide feedback using effective feedback giving techniques,
Authorization Skills training includes the following topics:
- Authorization and Authorization Levels, Authority-Responsibility Relationship
- Why Administrators Don’t Want to Authorize
- Analysis of Tasks for Authorization and Selection of the Right Person
- Stages in Authorization
- Instruction on authorization
- Managing the Application in Authorization
- Monitoring the Exercise of Authority
- Providing Feedback
- Effective Authorization
Delivery and method
Authorization Skills training is applied in the form of face-to-face training. It is recommended to have no more than 20 people in each group to ensure active participation and effective learning in this training. However, if conditions arise that prevent face-to-face training, the training may be delivered remotely by using the Me-Learning© online learning platform and the Actio© meeting management tool.
The trainer guides learners through interaction, group work and practice in a way that facilitates learning and improves their practical skills. Hands-on activities such as group work, practice and work on cases are carried out so that learners can experience authorization skills.
Learning tools and materials
In Authorization Skills training, case studies, worksheets and guidelines are used as teaching materials to perform individual and group studies on course presentation and authorization processes, stages and methods.
Audio visual and multimedia materials, templates, worksheets and other materials for exercises and practices are prepared by the trainer and distributed to the participants. However, if there is a sufficient number of hardware such as computers, notebooks or tablets in the learning environment, all materials are provided in a digital format and studies are carried out in digital context.
In accordance with our waste reduction policy, printed materials are not distributed in this training unless it is educationally necessary.
Assessment and evaluation
In order to optimize the learning process according to the learners’ needs, the level of readiness of the learners is assessed informally by the trainer at the beginning of the training. The studies carried out by the learners, such as exercises and practices are assessed as indicators of the development / learning and the trainer provides feedback and adjusts learning activities based on them in order to ensure effective learning. In addition, at the end of the training, the Training Evaluation Questionnaire is applied.
All participants who complete the training receive a certificate of attendance showing that they have completed the Authorization Skills training, with duration of the training clearly stated.
Authorization, delegation skills, balance of authority and responsibility